RU-SKI 43 is a small molecule inhibitor of Hhat(Hedgehog acyltransferase), the enzyme responsible for the attachment of palmitate onto Shh.
RU-SKI 43 reduced pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and Gli-1 activation through Smoothened-independent non-canonical signaling. In addition, RU-SKI 43 treatment inhibited two key proliferative pathways regulated by Akt and mTOR.
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名称 | RU-SKI 43 |
Iupac 化学名称 | RU-SKI 43 |
同义词 | RU-SKI43; Hhat Inhibitor |
英文同义词 | RU-SKI43; Hhat Inhibitor |
分子式 | C22H30N2O2S |
分子量 | 386.55 |
InChiKey | |
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Cas号 | 1043797-53-0 |
相关CAS号 |
包装 | 价格 | 库存 | 纯度 | 备货期 |
大货 | 询价 | 询价 | 询价 |