YLF-466D is an allosteric AMPK activator.
YLF466D activated recombinant human 111, 211 and rat liver AMPK. It also activated AMPK -subunit truncations containing an autoinhibitory domain(AID) and exhibited additivity with AMP and A-769662. Molecular docking of YLF466D with the S pombe AMPKa (25-351) suggests it may bind in the cleft between the kinase domain and the AID antagonizing the auto-inhibition distinct from AMP and A-769662. Incubation of YLF466D in Hela cells activated cellular AMPK without detectable changes in AMP:ATP ratio, proving AMPK was allosterically activated by YLF466D. YLF466D activated cellular AMPK in both L6 myotubes and HepG2 cells with evoking intracellular AMP:ATP ratio accompanied by depolarizing mitochondria membrane potential, but has no effect on the dephosphorylation of PP2C on AMPK. Thus, YLF466D activated cellular AMPK through dual mechanisms [1].
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名称 | YLF-466D |
Iupac 化学名称 | YLF-466D |
同义词 | (C24; YLF 466D; YLF466D |
英文同义词 | (C24; YLF 466D; YLF466D |
分子式 | C29H20ClNO3 |
分子量 | 465.93 |
InChiKey | |
InChi | |
Cas号 | 1273323-67-3 |
相关CAS号 |
包装 | 价格 | 库存 | 纯度 | 备货期 |
大货 | 询价 | 询价 | 询价 |